Page 216 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 216
For several years Bartlett Springs (PL XII, 6') have formed a
summer resort in Lake County. The property is situated on the
north side of a branch of North Fork of Cache Creek, and mainly
on the slopes some distance above the stream. A number of small
cottages were early built near the springs and others have been added
from time to time. A commodious hotel, stores, pleasure buildings,
and a large bottling house have aided in making a considerable
settlement at the place.
The Main Spring is situated in the northern part of the grounds,
at the base of steep slopes. It has been improved with a tin-lined
cement basin elevated above a cement floor. This basin is used as a
drinking fountain, and pipes lead from it to a small fountain at the
hotel and to the bottling house. The water is cool (56°), is mildly
carbonated, and is shown by the analysis to be secondary alkaline
in character.
Analyses of water from Bartlett Springs, Lake County, Cal.
[Constituents are in parts per million.]
1 2 3
12° C. (54° F.)
Properties of reaction:
3 2 1
2 0 1
0 0 0
0 1 0
95 97 9a
620 695 (?)
Constituents. By Reacting By Reacting By Reacting
weight. values. weight. values. weight. values.
Sodium (Na). . ............................ 9.4 .41 8.3 .36 | 22
2.3 .06 2.7 .07 .97
Trace. Trace. Trace. Trace.
Trace. Trace.
Trace. Trace. .7 .01
Calcium (Ca). ............................. 206 10.28 213 10.63 85 4.24
44 3.61 33 2.69 478 39.32
4.2 .15 Trace. Trace.
\ 35 .13
Sulphate (SO4).. . ......................... 30 .62 7.7 .16 6.1 .13
Chloride (Cl). . ............................ 5.7 .16 5.3 .15 11 .31
407 13.56 399 13.29 1,323 44.09
Trace. Trace. Trace. Trace.
Phosphate (PO<). ......................... 5.4 .17 5.1 .16
Silica (EiO2) .............................. 64 2.12 59 1.97 50 1.66
778.0 733.8 2,010.1
1,911 86.86 2,060 93.64
1. Main Spring. Analyst and authority, Winslow Anderson (1888).
2. Main Spring. Analyst, G. E. Colby (1880 ?). Authority, Winslow Anderson.
3. Soda-magnesia Spring. Analyst, Southern Pacific Co. (?) (1900). Authority, advertising matter.
Aperient Spring is on the hillside, about 200 yards by zigzag trail,
northeast of the Main Spring. It issues in a small springhouse,
and yields perhaps 2 gallons a minute of moderately carbonated water