Page 215 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 215
principal and several minor springs is situated at the creek edge about
250 yards northwest of the hotel. One of these, which is known as
the Chalybeate Spring, is surrounded by a cement basin and yields
perhaps 5 gallons a minute of carbonated water, 63° in temperature.
This water is rendered turbid by iron in suspension. The following
analysis, believed to represent water from this spring, indicates that
it is secondary alkaline in character:
Analysis of water from Chalybeate Spring, Alien Springs, Lake County, Gal.
[Analyst and authority, Wtnslow Anderson (1888). Constituents are in parts per million.]
14° 0. (.58° F.)
Properties of reaction:
By Reacting
Constituents. weight. values.
180 7.82
Potassium ( K) ...................................................................... 22 .57
81 6.64
7.5 .27
Sulphate (SO4). ..................................................................... 9 1 19
Chloride (01). ....................................................................... 263 7.42
359 11.95
Phosphate (PO4).. .................................................................. 5.7 .18
Silica (SiO2)o.. . .....................................................................
a Not reported.
About 20 yards eastward, across the creek from the Chalybeate
Spring, there is a sulphur spring which yields about \\ gallons a
minute of slightly carbonated and distinctly sulphureted water
which has a temperature of 56°. Another spring, known as the
Sureshot, issues at the creek edge 150 yards upstream. It is the
westernmost one that has been improved and is locally considered
to be the most strongly mineralized. Like the Chalybeate Spring,
it is turbid, but it yields only a slight flow. Half a mile west of the
buildings at Alien Springs there is a small but vigorously bubbling
and pleasantly carbonated spring at the roadside. A few small
lime-carbonate deposits on the hillside show where carbonated water
also formerly issued and perhaps still seeps out.
All of these springs emerge from siliceous altered sediments that
are cherty in character on the slope south of Sureshot Spring but
have a schistose appearance along the creek bed near the Chalybeate
and Sulphur springs. A small amount of serpentine is exposed a
few hundred yards east of the hotel, but none was seen near the