Page 204 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 204
. The analyses indicate that the spring waters are secondary- alka-
line in character with very high tertiary alkalinity and a notable degree
of primary alkalinity. The fact that sulphate and chlorine radicles
are not included and that silica is reported as only a trace renders
these analyses of doubtful reliability.
Like other springs yielding notably thermal carbonated water Carls-
bad Springs are marked on Plate III (in pocket). The slopes at the
springs are covered with lava that is probably andesite. For a
short distance along the road grade, 1 or 2 miles southward and a'few
hundred feet higher, however, fine-bedded sediments that are similar
to the lake beds near Kelseyville are exposed. At other places in
this portion of the county the lava also appears to be present as a
thin layer overlying sedimentary material.
A number of years ago a short prospect tunnel was run into the
hillside three-quarters of a mile south of east from Glenbrook post
office, which is 30 miles north of Calistoga. After the tunnel had
been abandoned as a mining enterprise, the character of the water in
it was noticed, and for a short time the water was shipped in tanks
to San Francisco, carbonated, and bottled as a table water. When
seen in 1910, however, the property was deserted. A reservoir had
been formed in the tunnel by an earth and board dam across it.
Although slightly carbonated, the overflow, perhaps one-eighth gal-
lon a minute, seemed to be mainly of surface origin, and the rela-
tively small mineral content of the spring water, as shown by the
following analysis, tends to confirm the belief that it is essentially
a surface water. The analysis, which is not complete and does not
appear to be very reliable, indicates a secondary alkaline and
primary saline water.
Analysis of water from Astorg Spring, Lake County, Cat.
[Analyst, M. E. Diebod. Authority, Register of Mines, California Min. Bur. Constituents are in parts
per million.]
10' C. (50° F.)
Properties of reaction: .
Primary salinity , ...._..___. 32
Primary alkalinity - 0
Constituents. By Reacting
weight. values.
fiodhira (Na).. ....................................................................... 16' 0.4$
9 9
18 .92
11 .8»
3.4 .12
3.4 .13
62 1.30
Carbonate (CO3) ........-...........'.............................................. 48 1.60
Silica (SiO?) ........................................................................ 32 1.05