Page 203 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 203
Carlsbad Springs are also situated along Cole Creek, half a mile
south of those that have just been described but farther upstream,
where the creek flows in a brushy ravine. The property was con-
ducted _as a small resort for several years prior to 1905, but it has been
deserted since about that year, and in the summer of 1908" a brush
fire destroyed the hotel building.
Five springs on this property rise along the western side of the
ravine within 100 yards of the hotel site. The principal one seems
to have been that known as the Arsenic Spring, which rises in a semi-
circular, rock-walled place on the slope 50 yards southwest of the
creek. The recorded temperature of the water in this spring is 74°
and the yield is about one-fourth gallon a minute of carbonated
water. Ten yards below it is a similar spring in which the water has
nearly the same temperature, but which yields perhaps 2 gallons a
minute. Water from this spring was formerly piped to a small bath-
house at the opposite side of the creek. A third spring rises near the
creek in a rock-walled basin 8 feet in diameter, but it has no surface
overflow. Another spring rises 60 yards farther downstream, at the
edge of a small marshy area. It has a temperature of 66° and a flow
of at least 2 gallons a minute. Iron-stained seepages issue beside the
bathhouse and also 125 yards downstream from it, but the lower
f seepages do not appear to have been improved.
The following analyses of springs at this place have been published
and are reproduced in standard form, but the spring to which each
applies was not identified:
Analyses of water from Carlsbad Springs, Lake County, Cal.
[Analyst, W. D. Johnston. Authority, Register of Mines, California Min. Bur. Constituents are in parts
per million.]
1 2 3 4 5
30° C. (8ST.). 24° C. (75°F.). 27° C. (£ 0°F.). 27° 0. ( U°F.). 25° C. ( r7°F.).
Properties of reaction:
Primary salinity ..... 0 0 0 0 0
Secondary salinity . . .- 0 0 0 0 0
Tertiary salinity ..... 0 0 0 0 0
Primary alkalinity. . 7 12 21 12 9
Secondary alkalinity . 93 88 79 88 91
Tertiary alkalinity. . . 763 788 1,532 946 736
React- React- React- React- React-
By By By By By
Constituents. weight. values. weight. values. weight. values. weight. values. weight. values.
Sodium (Na)............. 14 0.61 23 1.00 15 0.65 20 0.87 17 0.74
4,7 .12 3.4 .09 5.9 .15 3.4 .09 3.6 .09
13 .65 24 1.20 11 .55 9O 1.00 14 .70
102 8.38 80 6.58 30 2.47 72 5.92 92 7.54.
1.5 .05 .1 TVapfi 1.0 .11 .03 .1
.1 Traco
1.1 .12 1.4 .16 1.1 .12 1.6 .18
Carbonate (CO3) ......... 294 9.79 266 8.87 115 3.82 237 7.91 272 9.07
Silica (SiOa). ............ Trace.
430.3 ....... 397.9 ....... 178.0 ....... 354.4 ....... 400.3 .......
Carbon dioxide (CO2) .... 1,720 78.18 1,537 69.86 1,287 58.50 1,645' 74.77 1,569 71.32
1, 2, i, 4, 5. Separate springs, names not given.