Page 199 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 199
Analysis of water from Bynum Spring, Lake County, Cal.
[Analyst, F. T. Green (1909). Authority, owner of spring. Constituents are in parts per million.]
Properties of reaction:
Secondary salinity .............................................................. 0
Tertiary salinity. ............................................................... 0
Tertiary alkalinityi.. ........................................................... ( >\
By Reacting
weight. values.
Sodium (Na). ....................................................................... 16 .70
Calcium (Ca). ....................................................................... 333 16.62
173 14.23
2.2 .08
Sulphate (SO4)~. ................................................................... 30 .62
Chloride (Cl)........................................................................ 2.9 .08
928 30.93
Silica (SiOs)... ...................................................................... 89 2.95
Carbon dioxide (CO2) .............................................................. Present.
The property at Highland Springs has been improved as a resort
for 25 years or more. It is situated on the stage road between Hop-
land and Kelseyville and 6 miles southwest of the latter place. In
1910 a large frame hotel and half a dozen cottages situated in a small
flat along the course of Adobe Creek provided accommodations for
200 guests.
Eleven springs, or 10 individual springs and 1 group, may be
recognized here. One of these, the Seltzer Spring, emerges at the
base of a gentle slope about 150 yards southeast of the hotel. The
others issue west to northwest of the hotel in a distance of about
225 yards along the western bank of the creek. Seltzer Spring, which
is protected by a latticed spring house, rises in a cemented basin;
the recorded temperature of the water is 59° and its discharge is
perhaps 1 gallon a minute. The water is .strongly carbonated and
deposits considerable iron.
Neptune Spring, the southernmost of those along the creek, is
about 100 yards west of the hotel. The spring rises in a small drink-
ing pool in the center of an oval cemented basin, several feet across,
on a gentle slope at the base of a low bank. The water has a re-
corded temperature of 66°. Its flow is slight, but it is piped to a
small bathing plunge a few yards away. 'At the base of a small bank
'50 or 60 yards northward and nearer the creek, Diana Spring and
Magnesia Spring rise in cemented basins a few yards apart. Water
from the former supplies a small bathing plunge near by, whereas the
lattc- is used only for drinking. The recorded temperatures of these
springs were 80° and 68°, and their flows were, respectively, about 4