Page 205 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 205

CARBONATED  SPRINGS.                  189

      The tunnel is in  an area  of serpentine that is here  associated with
    sedimentary rocks and is overlain on the hill slopes above by lava.
      It is locally known  as  the Tunnel Spring,  and its water is  called  a
    "chamise"  water,  as  it  is  thought  by  some  persons  to  taste  of  the
    chamiso  brush roots.  Another small carbonated spring of  even less
    importance  rises  in  Sulphur  Valley,  1  or  2  miles  north  of  Astorg
                       ADAMS  SPRINGS  (LAKE  44).
      Adams Springs are situated in a deep ravine about 2 miles eastward
    across  a  divide  from  Astorg  Spring.  The  springs  are  said  to  have
    been found and filed on by a Mr. Adams more than 40 years ago.  The
    property has been improved as a resort for more than 20 years, but it
    has  attained  prominence  chiefly  since  about  1900.  A  large  drain
    pipe has been laid in the stream channel to carry off storm water, and
    the ravine has been widened and leveled to obtain space for buildings.
    In  1910  a large frame hotel and  a  number of cottages  and tents fur-
    nished  accommodations  for  about  400  people.  A swimming  plunge
    on  the hillside  above  the springs is  supplied  by water piped  from  a
    stream.  Though  the water is used by some  people for its medicinal
    value,  the place is essentially a summer pleasure resort.
               Analyses of water from, Adams Springs,  Lake  County,  Cal.
                        [Constituents are in parts per million.]

                                                ]L           S!
    Properties of reaction:
                                                      2            2
                                                      0            0
                                                      0            0
      -  Primary alkalinity                          26           26
       Secondary alkalinity .......................................  72  72
                                                     156          175
                                             By  Reacting   By  Reacting
                                           weight.  values.  weight.  values.
    Sodium (Na). ..................................................  441  19.18  454  19.74
                                            Trace.  Trace.  Trace.  Trace.
    Calcium (Ca). ..................................................  199  9.93  197  9.83
                                             483   39.73  488   40.15
    Iron (Fe). ......................................................  4.6  .16  4.3  .15
    Sulphate (SO<).. ...............................................  17  .35
    Nitrate (NOa). .................................................  Trace.  Trace.
    Chloride (Cl)...................................................  48  1.35  44  1.24
    Carbonate (COa)....... ........................................  2,019  67.30  2,059  68.63
    Silica (SiO2).. ..................................................  127  4.21  124  4.11
                                            3,338.6     3,370.3
    Carbon dioxide (COZ).-- .......................................  2,261  102. 77  2,588  117.64
      1.  Main spring.  Analyst and authority, Winslow Anderson (1888).
     2.  Main spring.  Analyst, Price and Hewston.  Authority, U. 8.  Geol. Survey Bull. 32.
     ,  The main spring, which is situated a few yards above the hotel and
    close to the former channel of the ravine, is inclosed by a frame build-
    ing,  and the water is dipped from  a small pool for drinking,  but it is
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