Page 251 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 251

CARBONATED  SPRINGS.                  238

     formerly known  as  Scott Springs  but  are  now  known  as  Deer  Park
     Springs.   The  place  has  been  conducted  as  a  resort  since  the
     eighties.  In 1909  a hotel,  a  dining hall,  and seven cottages provided
     accommodations  for  150  guests.  The  buildings  are  situated  in  a
     little flat on the northwestern side of Bear Creek,  and the springs are
     on  a  hillside  150  to  200  yards  eastward,  across  the  stream.  Small
     rustic  houses  have  been  erected  over  the springs,  two  of  which  are
     beneath one roof.  Two  of  them  are  known  as  Soda  springs,  one  as
     the Sulphur Spring,  and one  as  the Iron Spring.  Their waters have
     the distinctive tastes indicated by these designations and differ some-
     what though not markedly in composition,  as is shown by the follow-
     ing  analyses of  three  of  them,  all  secondary alkaline,  primary saline
              Analyses of water from Deer Park Springs, Placer  County,  Cal.
       [Analyst, G. E. Colby (1909).  Authority, owner of springs.  Constituents are in parts per million.]

                                  Soda No. 1.  Soda No. 2.  Sulphur.
     Properties of reaction:
                                         33           19           31
                                          0           0             0
                                          0           0             0
                                         13           13           13
                                         54           68           56
                                         17           7            17
                                 By  Reacting   By  Reacting   By   Reacting
                                weight.  values.  weight.  values.  weight.  values.
                               }   160  7.99   205  10.29  114    5.69
     Sulphate (804). ...........................  174   3.62   84   1.75   111   2.31
     Chloride (Cl). . ............................  45   1.27   39   1.09   32   .89
                                  297   9.90   367   12.23   210   6.99
     Silica (SiO2). .. . ...........................  76   2.52  31   1.03  53   1.7&
     Total solids. ..............................  990   900   670
                               Present. Present.  Present.  Present.  Present.  Present.
     Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) .................          Present.  Present.
       The  springs  rise  in  a  small  area  of  granitic  rock  which probably
     forms the core of the mountains to the west.  At the springs the rock
     is  decomposed  to  gravel  and  to  kaolin-like  clay.  It  is  nearly sur-
     rounded  by  andesitic  lava,  which  covers  the  slopes  less  than  100
     yards  east  of  the springs and the surrounding area for several  miles.

                               (PLACER  11).
       A small cool carbonated  spring lies near the mouth of  Powderhorn
     Creek,  5^  miles in  a  direct line  southwest  of  Deer Park Springs,  but
     it  is  unimproved  and  is  known  mainly  to  hunters  and  fishermen,
     Small  carbonated  springs  of  similar  character  probably  issue  at
     other places in this region,  but they are of little note  and  are known
     chiefly to the local sportsmen.
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