Page 222 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 222

204                 SPRINGS  OF  CALIFORNIA.
                            MOETON  SODA  SPRING  (LAKE  1).

              Morton  Soda  Spring  is  situated  near  the  mouth  of  Soda  Creek,
            which joins South Fork of Eel River  about 2  miles  south of  west of
            Hullville.  The  spring yields  a  small  flow  of cool  carbonated water
            that is  very  pleasant for  drinking,  but it has  been  known  and used
            only locally.
                              COOKS  SPRINGS  (COLUSA  5).

              Cooks Springs  (PL XII, A, p. 200) have been a well-known summer
            resort for a number of  years,  and the water has  long  been  marketed
            for  table use.  In 1910 accommodations were provided for 150 people
            by  a  well-appointed  hotel  and  a  number  of  cottages.  The  place  is
            situated in the lower portion of the Coast Ranges west of Sacramento
            Valley,  and  the  grounds  extend  along  two  ravines  that  unite  near
            the hotel to form a tributary of Stony Creek.
              There  are  three  principal  springs  on  the  property,  the  main  one
            being about 40 yards southeast of the hotel and beneath the roof that
            covers  a  bowling  alley.  A  cemented,  covered  reservoir  has  been
            constructed at the spring.  Over it a small hand pump supplies water
            for drinking,  and a pipe leads from the reservoir to  a bottling house
            about  125  yards  northward,  down  the  ravine.  The  spring  yields
            perhaps  2  gallons  a  minute  of  moderately  carbonated  water,  64°  in
            temperature, which tastes slightly saline.
              The following analysis shows the water to be secondary alkaline in
            character  with  notable  primary  salinity  and  alkalinity.  The  large
            proportion of magnesia is also noteworthy.

                 Analysis of water from  Main Spring,  Cooks Springs,  Colusa  County,  Cal.
             [Analyst, R. E. Swain (1900).  Authority, advertising matter.  Constituents are in parts per million.]

            Properties of reaction:
                                                                 By   Reacting
                                                               weight.  values.
                                                                 624    27.14
            Calcium (Ca).. . .....................................................................  26  1.29
                                                                 614    49.65
            Iron (Fe). ..........................................................................  5.6  .20
                                                                  1.9    .21
                                                                  6.0    .12
            Chloride (Cl). .......................................................................  390  11.00
            Carbonate (CO3) ....................................................................  2,015  67.16
            Silica (SiO2)... ......................................................................  80  2.65
                                                                3, 762. 5
            Carbon dioxide (CO2). ..............................................................  731  33.22
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