Page 299 - 1915, Springs of CA.
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stones, that are of the same character as those in Matilija Canyon
5 or 6 miles westward.
Sulphur Mountain Springs are in the canyon of Sisar Creek, a
quarter of a mile above (west of) its junction with Santa Paula
Creek and 6 miles north of Santa Paula. The property has been
conducted as a summer resort since the late nineties, accommoda-
tions being provided mainly by tents and tent cottages. The build-
ings are situated in a grove of black walnuts in a flat on the south side
of the creek.
The main spring is on the hillside a few hundred yards southward
from the grounds and 150 feet above them. It issues from a drift and
tunnel in a small ravine and yields about 15 gallons a minute of
mildly sulphureted water. The water is conducted in an open
trough to a storage tank about 50 yards away and is thence piped to
the grounds to supply a swimming plunge and also tub baths, for
which it is heated. It issues clear but becomes milky from suspended
sulphur before reaching the storage tank. The following analysis
shows it to be a secondary saline water with notable sulphide content:
Analysis of water from main spring, Sulphur Mountain Springs, Ventura County, Cal.
[Analyst, Frederick Salathe. Authority, advertising matter. Constituents are in parts per million. J
18° D. (65° F.)
Properties of reaction:
By Reacting
Constituents. weight. values.
47 2.04
Lithium (Li).. ......................................................................
Calcium (Ca).. ...................................................................... 163 8.12
55 4.55
Iron (Fe).. .......................................................................... 1.1 .04
0.4 .04
Sulphate (SO4). ..................................................................... 584 12.16
Chloride (Cl). ....................................................................... 4.6, .13
Sulphide (S)........................................................................ 3.8 .24
67 2.22
Silica (Si08).......-....--...-.....-.........-.............-...-.....---....-........ .2 .01
'926.1 ..... -.
Hydrogen sulphide (H8S) ........................................................... 2.2 .13
A second spring, which yields perhaps 1 gallon a minute, issues
near the side of the creek on the resort grounds. An excavation
6 feet below the ground surface has been cemented, and the water
rises in a joint of tile pipe that forms a drinking basin. This water
is not so strongly sulphureted as is that of the larger spring. At