Page 235 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 235

CARBONATED  SPRINGS.                  217

     eye wash and  as  a snuff for catarrh.  Southward,  across  the canyon
     from  the  springs,  there  are  abandoned  quicksilver  prospects.  The
     Garretson springs  are  sometimes  referred  to  as  Cinnabar  Springs,  a
     name that is derived from these prospects, but this name is misleading.

                   KELLER  SODA  SPRING  (SISEIYOU  2).
       Keller  Soda  Spring, 4J miles  below Garretson Soda Springs,  is  on
     the north side of West Fork of Beaver Creek, 100 yards from and 100
     feet above  the stream.  It is  near the home of Mr. Alex. Keller, who
     has had a cabin and a small garden beside the creek since about 1902.
     A rock-walled basin makes a small drinking pool in which the water
     is  cool  and strongly carbonated.  The  discharge flows down an iron-
     stained channel  and over a conspicuous deposit of  lime carbonate 10
     or  12  yards in diameter.  A  small amount of carbonated  water also
     seeps  from  crevices  in  the rock  at the creek edge,  150  yards  down-
     stream.  The  rock  at  this  locality  is  a  coarse-textured  quartzitic
     material with some  gneissic  and hornblendic phases.
       On the western side of the main fork of Beaver Creek, at Soda Bar,
     within  3  miles  of  the  Oregon  line,  are  two  small  cool  carbonated
     springs that have not been improved  but  are occasionally visited by
       A small carbonated spring rises at the eastern edge of Beaver Creek,
     opposite the Curtis ranch, which is 2 miles  above its mouth.  A small
     basin has been made by drill and  hammer  in the  gneiss from which
     the  spring  issues,  and  a  spring  house  protects  it.  When  it is  not
     flooded by surface water, the spring water is moderately  carbonated.
     The rock is iron stained along the overflow channel, but the water is
     apparently  not  highly  mineralized.  There  is  another  small  and
     unimproved  carbonated  spring  on  the  same  side  of  the  channel  a
     mile farther upstream.

     .  In the western portion of the lava-covered region in northern Cali-
     fornia  there  are  two  areas  of  considerable extent in which  there are
     a number of carbonated springs.  The northern area is in the north-
     ern  part  of  Siskiyou  County;  the  southern  is  near  the  Siskiyou-
     Shasta county line.  (See p. 220.)
       The northernmost group in the first area is on the east side of Little
     Bogus  Creek  about  4| miles  northeast  of  Ager.  The  main  springs
     here issue from basins in low carbonate mounds on a larger deposit of
     lime carbonate at the base of  a  hillside, near  the county road between
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