Page 239 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 239

CABBONATED  SPRINGS.                  221

    about 3  feet in diameter and 6  feet in height.  *  *  *  From this chamber a pipe
    leads  directly  to  a  small  structure  in  which  the  bottling  machinery  has  been
    erected.  *  *  *
      The  following  analysis  shows  that  the  water  is  characterized  by
    primary and secondary alkalinity and  primary salinity and contains
    a large proportion of magnesium:
        Analysis of water from main spring,  Shasta Springs, SisHyou  County,  Cal.
          (Analyst, W. S.  Haines.  Authority, 13th Cal.  Constituents are in parts per million.]

                                                          11° C.  (51°  F.)
    Properties of reaction:
      Primary alkalinity. ................................ r ............................  23
                                                            ( ?)
                                                         By   Reacting
                                                       weight.  values.
    Sodium (Na.)-    ._._._.____.___..__._..,.,,   .   _   ......  447  19.43
                                                          23     .59
    Lithium (Li). .......................................................................  Trace.  Trace.
                                                         349    28.70
    Iron (Fe).. ..................................."...................._..................  10  .36
                                                          2.5    .28
    Sulphate (SO4)... ...................................................................  8.6  .18
    Chloride (Cl) ........................................................................  312  8.79
    Carbonate ( CO3) ....................................................................  1,195  39.83
    Metaborate (BO2). . .................................................................  9.9  .23
    Arsenate (AsOj )------------.---.--------.--------.-----...-...-..-----------------..  1.4  .03
    Phosphate (POO  .................................................................  .8  .03
    Carbon dioxide (CO2). ..............................................................
      The springs issue at the base of the steep canyon side.  Eastward,
    400  feet  above  the  springs,  the  country  opens  to  a  gentle  upward
    slope northward to Mount Shasta.  A summer resort has been estab-
    lished  on  the  plateau-like  slope,  directly  above  the  springs.  The
    grounds  are reached by an inclined railway from the railroad station
    below,  or by  a  zigzag path two-fifths  of  a mile  long,  up  the canyon
    side.  Much  water rises  in  cold  springs  near  the  top  of  the  canyon
    and cascades  down the slope,  near the path.
      At the east bank of the river, 200 yards below Shasta Springs, and
    also on the west bank,  150  yards farther downstream, small carbon-
    ated  springs  have  formed  iron-stained  deposits  of  lime  carbonate.
    The Griffin  onyx marble quarry, which  has  been  mentioned in con-
    nection with the deposits  at Tolenas  and Kessler springs, consists of
    a vein of onyx marble about 5 inches wide, on the western side of the
    river a short distance below Shasta Springs.  It has not been worked
    for a number of years.
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