Page 82 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 82

78                   SPRINGS  OF  CALIFORNIA.
                          FRESNO  HOT  SPRINGS  (FRESNO  9).
            Fresno Hot Springs are situated on a branch of Waltham Creek, in
          the hills of the west side of San Joaquin Valley.  Several small warm
          springs issue along the west side of the canyon, from beds of shale and
          sandstone, which are the principal rocks of this region.
            The springs have long been known and were early improved  as  a
          resort.  A new bathhouse was built in 1904  and other improvements
          have been made, so that in 1908 there were accommodations for about
          200 people.  It is said that the water was formerly warmer, but during
          recent years it has  become necessary  to  heat it for the baths.  The
          springs are distinctly sulphureted, as would be expected of water ris-
          ing through shales, but they are not otherwise of notably mineralized
          character.  Some  crushing and  faulting has  possibly  taken place in
          this locality and has furnished a point of  escape for the  springs,  but
          their relatively small  flow  and  temperatures  that  are not especially
          notable render them of no great geologic interest.
                         MERCEY HOT SPRINGS (FRESNO 8).
            Mercey Hot Springs rise near the extreme western edge of Fresno
          County, among the barren hills that border San Joaquin Valley.  The
          main spring has been excavated to form a reservoir, is lined with con-
          crete, and is housed.  It yields warm water of a peculiar "soft"taste.
            The following analysis has been published:
              Analysis of water from main spring,  Mercey Hot Springs, Fresno  County,  Cal.
             [Analyst, Marvin Curtis.  Authority, advertising matter.  Constituents are in parts per million.]
          Properties of reaction:
             Tertiary alkalinity. .............................................................  6
                                                               By   Reacting
                                                              weight.  values.
          Sodium (Na).. ......................................................................  808  35.12
          Potassium (K)......................................................................  5.9  .15
          Lithium QA).....i. .................................................................
          Barium (Ba) and strontium (Sr) ....................................................  Trace.  Trace.
                                                                40     1.98
          Magnesium (Mg)... .................................................................  4.5  .37
          Sulphate (S0<).. ....................................................................  12  .25
          Chloride (01)........... .............................................................  1,278  36.03
          Carbonate (CO3). ...................................................................  36  1.19
          Metaborate(BOj).... ...............................................................  2:0  .05
          Phosphate (PO4).. ..................................................................  .4  .15
          Silica (SiO*).... .....................................................................  70  2.32
            This water is essentially a solution of common salt with minor im-
          purities.  Bubbles of gas rise in the  spring and the water there has a
          faint sulphureted odor,  but  at the baths,  85  yards  away,  it has lost
          this odor.
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