Page 69 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 69

HOT  SPRINGS.                       65
     Bucket  Spring  and  Genoveva  Spring,  have  observed  temperatures,
     respectively  of  62°  and  75°.  Each  yields  about  one-half  gallon  a
     minute,  of mildly sulphureted water,  and forms  a drinking pool.  A
     fourth spring,  also sulphureted but cool, issues at the side of a small
     storage reservoir and yields perhaps 5  gallons  a minute.
       In  1908  the  improvements  at  these  springs  included  a  hotel  and
     annex, about 35  tent cottages, a dancing  floor, and bathing facilities.
     Electric light was supplied by a small water-power plant.
       The following analyses are of the springs at this place:

            Analyses of water from Wheelers Hot Springs,  Ventura County,  Cal.
     [Analysts,  Wade  and  Wade  (1900).  Authority,  advertising  matter.  Constituents  are  in  parts  per
                                   Main.       Bucket.     Genoveva.
     Temperature. .............................  39° C.  (102° F.)  17° C. (62° F.)  24° C. (75° F.)
     Properties of reaction:
                                         47           48           20
                                          0           0            30
       Tertiary salinity. .....................  0    0             0
                                         48           45            0
                                          5           7            50
       Tertiary alkalinity. ...................  6    6             8
                                 By   Reacting   By   Reacting   By   Reacting
              Constituents.     weight.  values.  weight.  values.  weight.  values.
     Sodium (Na). .............................  333  14.49   328   14.26   48   2.07
                                   4.7   .12   3.5   .09    7.0   .18
                                   6.8   .34   12    .58   144    7.29
                                   4.5   .37   6.8   .56   20     1.61
                                             Trace.   Trace.
     Sulphate (SO*)... .........................  16  .34   26   .55   259   5.39
     Chloride (Cl). .............................  245   6.90  243   6.86   6.4   -  .18
                                 242    8.08   243   8.09   167   5.58
     Silica (SiOs)...... ............ ............  27  .91  30  .99  27  .91
                                 879          892.3       678.4 ..........
                                Excess.     Present. Present. Present.  Present.
       The Main  and  Bucket springs  are  apparently much  alike  in com-
     position  and  concentration,  though  differing  in  temperature.  Both
     give  soft  waters  characterized  by  primary  alkalinity  and  primary
     salinity.  The  Genoveva  Spring  differs  markedly  from  the  others,
     giving  a hard  water in which  secondary  alkalinity is  the  dominant
     property.  The three springs are  alike in that alkalinity and salinity
     are of about equal value as properties in each.  Genoveva Spring is,
     however, of secondary alkalinity and salinity, while that of the others
     is primary;  and the  salinity of Genoveva Spring is  characterized by
     the sulphate radicle^ while that of the other springs is almost free from
       Although the  analyses  of springs in Matilija Canyon do  not show
     unusually high mineral contents, there are small deposits of salts at a
     few places.  The most notable deposit of this kind that was observed
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