Page 175 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 175
The analyses indicate that the waters are all of the same general
primary alkaline type, but they show minor differences in the relative
proportions of calcium and magnesium and of sodium and potassium
and in the content of silica, iron, and aluminum. The Wenzell
analyses alone report borates, but it is not unlikely that tests for
borates were not made by the other analysts and that borates are
reported as carbonates. The great similarity of the three analyses
by Bauer and the apparent change in composition of the American
Ems Spring water are of interest.
The rocks about Mtna, Springs are the altered sediments, opaline
material, and associated serpentine of the Franciscan formation. A
short distance northward, near some of the quicksilver workings,
lava covers the surface.
About 10 miles by road east of Minsk Springs, on the eastern side
of the canyon of Pope Creek, there are two small carbonated springs
that have long been known as Walters Mineral Springs. They
issue about 150 yards apart and 350 feet above the creek, on the
side of a ravine in an area of serpentine. The rock has decayed
sufficiently to form a red clay soil, but many bowlders outcrop on
the hillsides. The water has a distinctly sweet taste, and the analysis
tabulated on page 160 shows that it contains a high proportion of
magnesium, being secondary alkaline in character.
The magnesian character of the water is worthy of note in con-
nection with the serpentine at this locality. The association with
serpentine (a magnesium-bearing rock) of mineral springs having a
high content of magnesium would be expected, however, and it has
been already mentioned in the discussion of the relation of the min-
eral character of sorings to the rocks through which they rise. (See
p. 160.)
Walters Mineral Springs have been improved as a resort since
about 1902. In 1910 there were two new frame buildings, having
accommodations for 50 people, and a pavilion at the lower spring
that provided a place for dances and other social gatherings. Water
from this spring has been bottled and marketed to a small extent for
table use.
About 6 miles southeast of Walters Mineral Springs, and also well
above Pope Creek but on the other side of its canyon, Samuel Soda
Springs form another group that has long been known. The place
has been improved as a resort for a number of years, and the water
has also been sold as a carbonated table water.