Page 124 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 124

116                 SPRINGS  OF  CALIFORNIA.
           is  180°  and  the  discharge is  perhaps  25  gallons  a  minute.  Another
           spring that yields  perhaps  8  gallons  a minute, of water  170°  in  tem-
            perature emerges at the south side of  the bathhouse.  These springs
            were formerly on the northern bank of a creek that entered the river
            near this point, but about  1897,  to protect the springs,  the discharge
            of  the  creek was  diverted  by  a  ditch  that  was  cut  several  yards  to
            the east.  The stream has deepened this ditch to  a steep-sided gully
            in the bed of which hot water forms pools at two places,  and near its
            mouth  a  stream  of  hot  water  that  discharges  perhaps  8  gallons  a
            minute  issues  from  the  gravel  bluff  halfway  down  its  side.   At
            places  about  85  and  150  to  175  yards  west  of  the  bathhouse  small
            amounts  of  warm  water issue  near  or  below  high-water  mark,  and
            along  the lower  65  yards  of  the  zone  of  hot  springs  water with  ob-
            served  temperatures  of  100°  to  165°  and  flows  of  4  to  10  gallons  a
                                                         minute  issues  in  at
                                                         least six places.
                                                           The  water  is  not
                                                         noticeably  sulphu-
                                                         reted  and,  as  it  is
                                                         hard,  it  probably
                                                         contains  a  rather
                                                         large amount of cal-
                                                           The  upper  and
                                                         lower  groups  of
                                                         springs  issue  from
                                                         the gravel  that bor-
                                                         ders  the  river,  but
                                                         the  warm  seepages
            FIGUEE 2. Sketch map showing positions  of Big Bend Hot Springs,
                            Shasta County, Cal.          between  them  issue
                                                         from  a  porphyritic
            quartz  diorite  that  appears  to  be  intruded  into  the  old  sediments
            of  the locality.  The hot springs probably afford a good  example  of
            underground water that has become heated by rock of this character.
            The  position of  the springs  and  the  exposure  of  the  intrusive  rock
            at Big Bend  are  shown in figure  2.
              The  property  has  been  open  as  a  resort  by  the  present  owners
            since  about  1905.  Accommodations  for guests  have  been  provided
            by a small hotel near the springs and in summer by tents also.  The
            situation  of  the  springs  is  remote, but they are  yearly  visited  by  a
            number of people who desire a quiet vacation.
                       HOT  SPRINGS  ON  KOSK  CHEEK  (SHASTA  7).
              About  2  miles  north  of  Big  Bend  Hot Springs two  or three other
            thermal  springs  rise  along  the  bed  of  Kosk  Creek.  One  of  these
            flows  into  a  small  rock  basin  and  is  occasionally  used  for  bathing.
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