Page 121 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 121

HOT  SPRINGS.                      113

                      OHMS  SPRING  (SONOMA  21).
      About  one-half  mile  southeast  of  Boyes  Hot  Springs is  another
    drilled well whose water was used to some extent in  1909 for bathing.
    The property was open to the public under the name of  Ohms Spring,
    and accommodations were provided for about 20 guests.

                 AQUA  CALIENTE  SPRINGS  (SONOMA  18).
      About  1  mile  northwest  of  Boyes  Hotel  a  similar resort has been
    built up  at Agua  Caliente Springs.  A hotel and  cottages here pro-
    vide for about 300  people.  A large swimming plunge and tub baths
    are  supplied  by  five  flowing  wells  one-third  of  a  mile  southward.
    The wells  are drilled  about 300 feet deep  and the reported  tempera-
    tures  of the waters range from 97° to  108°.  In  1909 Agua Caliente
    water was  bottled  and  marketed,  both  carbonated  and  natural,  for
    table use.  The following analyses represent the water from wells  at
    Agua Caliente Springs and Boyes Hot Springs:
      Analyses  of water from  Boyes  Hot  Springs  and  Agua Caliente  Springs, Sonoma
                               County,  Gal.
             [Authority, advertising matter.  Constituents are in parts per million.]

                                    1           2            3
                                46° C.  (114° F.)  41° C.  (105° F.)  46° C. (114° F.)
    Properties of reaction:
                                        87           81           78
                                         0           0             0
                                         0           0            0
                                         5           9             9
                                         8           10           13
                                        29           24            1
                                By  Reacting   By   Reacting   By  Reacting
             Constituents.     weight.  values.  weight.  values.  weight.  values.
    Sodium (Na)..............................  249   10.83   168   7.30   173   7.54
                                 8.9    .23   40    1.02   42    1.08
    Lithium (Li).. ............................  Trace.   Trace.   3.2  .46   3.2   .46
    Calcium (Ca)..............................  19   .95   9.8   .49   10   .50
                                 1.0    .08   6.0   .49   10     .82
    Iron (Fe).. ................................  .5   .02   .7   .03   .7   .03
    Sulphate ( SO 4). ...........................  3.3   .07   41   .85   44   .91
    Chloride (Cl).... ..........................  369   10.41   249   7.03   256   7.22
                                 49    1.63   57    1.91   69  -   2.30
                               Trace.   Trace.   2.4   .05   2.5   .06
    Silica (Si02).~ ........ ..-...----------.-..  103  3.42  69  2.29  1.4  .05
                                802.7 ..........  646.1  611.8 ..........
                                 1.5    .09
                   a Reported as boracic acid.  Recalculated from HsBOs.
      1.  Boyes Hot Springs, main well.  Analyst, not given.
      2.  Agua Caliente Springs, well No. 3.'  Analyst, R. Brainard.
      3.  Agua Caliente Springs, well No. 5.  Analyst, J. B. Clifford.
      The analyses show that the three waters are much alike in concen-
    tration  and  character;  that is,  all  are  primary saline waters having
    secondary  and  primary  alkalinity  as  minor  properties.  The  rela-
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