Page 185 - 1915, Springs of CA.
P. 185

CARBONATED  SPRINGS.                  169
   Analysis  of water  from  main  spring  at  McDowell  Springs,  Mendodno  County,  Cal.
   [Analysts,  Curtis and  Tompkins,  1908.  Authority,  advertising  matter.  Constituents are  in  parts per
   Properties of reaction:
                                                         By  Reacting
                         Constituents.                 weight.  values.
   Sodium (Na)... .............................:.. .....................................  7.7  .34
   Potassium (K). .....................................................................  2.9  .or
   LitMum (LI).. ......................................................................  Trace.
   Ammonium  (TsTHj),.                             ......      Trace.
   Barium (Ba) and strontium (Sr) .................................................... Traces. ,  Traces.
                                                         40     2.01
                                                         31     2.59
   Iron (Fe)............................................................- ..............  53  1.90
   Aluminum (. A.1) .....................................................................  2.8  .31
   Manganese ( Mn )....................................................................  .1  Trace.
   Sulphate (804)......................................................................  5.3  .11
   Nitrate (NO2) and nitrite (NO2)  ....................................................  0.0  .00
   Chloride (Cl)........................................................................  5.5  .16
                                                         206    6.86
   Phosphate (PO<). ...................................................................  .7  .02
   Silica (SiO2)... ......................................................................  69  2.28
   Carbon dioxide (CO2)..................... ..........................................  336  15.30
                                                          0      .00
     Thirty yards  below  the main spring a similar spring has formed a
   small natural basin,  and  at  about  the  same  distance  upstream car-
   bonated  water  seeps from the bank and  has  heavily iron stained it.
   Other  seepages  that issue  along  the  creek  bed  have  stained it with
   iron for a distance of nearly a quarter of a mile above the main spring.
     Soft  shale  that  is  overlain  by  gravel  is  exposed  along  the  creek.
   At a  few places  several hundred yards  eastward,  upstream from the
   springs,  inflammable  gas  is  said  to  rise,  making  its  presence  known
   by bubbles when the ground is wet.
     The  property  has  been  open  as  a  resort  since  1902  or  1903.  In
   1909  tent  houses  and  a  dining  room  provided  accommodations  for
   about 50 people.
     About  3  miles  west  of  Hopland,  in  a  ravine  on  the  slopes  above
   Feliz Creek,  are two  small  springs.  One of  these  springs  is  notice-
   ably carbonated and deposits a little iron along its channel, whereas the
   other  is less  distinctly carbonated but tastes  noticeably of  hydrogen
   sulphide.  The two springs are about 20 yards apart, on opposite sides
   of the ravine, and issue from banks of crushed sandstone and siliceous
   shale, near the side of a wagon road.  In 1909  the carbonated spring
   formed  a box-curbed  drinking pool.  A brick-lined basin 3  by  6  feet
   had been constructed at the sulphureted spring,  and a pipe led from
   it to the roadside.
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