17 OCT 05:04 p - All PG&E/Hetch Hetchy Power lost. No traction or auxiliary power. Trains stranded in tunnels and underground stations evacuated by train crews, station agents and available supervisors/managers. 05:30 p - Estimated time for completion of evacuation. Motor coach substitution instituted on all LRV lines to end of service day. 10:00 p - Feeder Service restored to subway and metro yard by PG&E and Hetch Hetchy.
11:30 p - All LRV's in Metro yard.
04:28 a - First car in subway. Service only from West Portal to Van Ness. Motor Coach shuttle service from Van Ness to Embarcadero. Stations open West Portal, Castro and Van Ness. Lighting at Van Ness station was by stationed LRV and hand held flashlights. 12:10 p - Church Street Station on line with power supplied by a generator and lights supplied by the Army Reserve from the Presidio. 8:00 p - Cars removed from the subway. Motor coach substitution from West Portal to Embarcadero and "N" and "J" service from outer terminals to Embarcadero. 19 OCT 04:47 a - Feeder CC13 lost power, leaving outbound Van Ness Station without traction power. Overhead line crew repaired. "N" and "J" line cars pulled out using TL to D10 and 2 four-car trains shuttled from West Portal to Embarcadero.
06:50 a - Full service restored in subway.
18 Oct 89 a) J and N lines to Duboce and Church only. Passengers transfer to Market Street buses. Trolley Coach #7 line discontinued and coaches added to Trolley Coach #8 line to reinforce Market Street service. b) K-L-M lines to West Portal. 10-minute shuttle express to Van Ness beginning at 7:05 a.m. Van Ness staffed by station agents and supervisors with lights. Buses could not handle West Portal to downtown load. Stations added as lighting/personnel became available: Castro, Forest Hills, Church. No problems reported. 19 Oct 89 PG&E power restored; normal operations restored. 20 Oct 89
Normal operations continue.