This dispatch, passed
by military authorities, is the first close-up report from a newspaperman
who has visited one of the Japanese concentration centers in California. BY HARRY FERGUSON MANZANAR, Cal., April 21.This is the youngest, strangest city in the world
It is a settlement that
grew Three weeks ago this was empty land between two mountain ranges.
Today it is a city of 3303
population with a fire department, a hospital, a police force, an English- It probably is the fastest growing town in the world because soon its population will be doubled and eventually quadrupled. Most of the inhabitants are Japanese who have tasted American democracy and found it good. Probably 95 per cent at least of the Japanese here are loyal to the United States. They are the ones like S. Akamatsu, who moved into Building No. 6 and immediately put up pictures of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and President Roosevelt.
Many of the loyal ones came
here with fear and doubt in their hearts, expecting a Nazi- There is no fence around Manzanar now and while U.S. soldiers guard the main gate, there is nothing to prevent a Japanese from slipping away at night except the knowledge that he undoubtedly would be caught. Nobody has tried it. Emon Tatsui who was brought here from Los Angeles, looked around the camp a few days ago and decided to write a letter to his former employer, Murphy McHenry, Hollywood motion picture executive:
No attempts have been made to separate the loyal from the disloyal. Those whose sympathies lie with Japan are keeping quiet about it. Eventually there will be a police force of 75 Japanese and the camp management believes the loyal will maintain surveillance over the disloyal.
There are all types of Japanese
Democracy is at work among
them. An election has been held to choose block leaders. Eventually from
these block leaders will be chosen an advisory committee of five to work
with the camp management in preserving order and arranging for the planting
of crops. Manzanar hopes to become a self- The lives of the inhabitants have fallen quickly into the normal pattern of living. The Japanese firemen play solitaire while waiting for an alarm. A baby has been born and named Kenji Ogawa. Howard Kumagai, a mechanical engineer, has fallen in love with Kimiki Wakamura, former beauty shop operator, has proposed and been accepted. Boys and girls make dates for dances and for the movies where James Cagney is extremely popular. Some volunteered to evacuate their homes and come here. Among them is Miss Chiye Mori of Los Angeles, news editor of The Manzanar Free Press, the settlements mimeographed newspaper. She was asked if she could write a brief statement explaining the feelings of the Japanese who were loyal to the United States. She turned to her portable typewriter and tapped this out on a sheet of paper: If Japan wins this war we have the most to lose. We hope America wins and quickly. We voluntarily evacuated as the only means by which we could demonstrate our loyalty. We want to share in the ware effort. We want o share the gloom of temporary defeats and the joys of ultimate victory. We are deeply concerned with our American citizenship, which we prize above all else. San Francisco News April 21, 1942 Go to the Japanese Internment page. |