Red and White Fleet

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Ninety-five in the Shade–The effect in this City and Elsewhere

That yesterday was a hot day there is no manner of doubt, and it is hardly probable that anyone in San Francisco with any regard for the truth will deny it. From the time the sun made its appearance above the horizon to the moment of his disappearance the pedestrians abroad on the streets were busily engaged in hiding from his sight and seeking the "shady side" of every street they walked upon. Awnings were at a premium, and many a passer-by blessed the memory of that storekeeper who had canvas above his door. All day long, throughout the principal streets, and the walks on the one side were thronged, and on the other comparatively deserted. Unbrellas were above par, and happy the mortal who had one to interpose between himself and the warm rays sent down by "old Sol."


Who were compelled to be upon the streets, disregarded ceremony altogether and unbottoned coats and vests, and many threw aside altogether their coats, preferring not to sacrifice comfort to appearances. Every man on the street showed conclusively the overpowering influence of the heat, and marched up and down the streets with a limp handkerchief in his hand, which was constantly brought into requisition, mopping the perspiration which streamed from every pore. The saloons all over the city had reason to bless the advent of the heated spell, for their business was surely increased to double its usual run. Old topers found their capacity for liquors greatly augmented, and presented their rosy faces at the bars of their favorite indulging place twice as often as the ordinarily do. The moderate drinkers had their ranks reinforced by the crowds of 


But who suddenly discovered a great amount of virtue in lemonade and soda-cocktails. "Lets take a drink" was the universal cry from all quarters yesterday, and more such invitations were accepted than is ordinarily the case. But there is another and smaller class, which could not be tempted even by the tropical heat to enter a saloon, and for them the various drinking fountains possessed a semi-dmagnetic attraction; and they, with others who would gladly have sipped a "mint julip" if they had possessed the means; thronged about them all day, and blessed their existence. The animal creation, too, showed the effects of the heat, and the beasts of burden, with sides glistening with perspiration, quaffed greedily at the various troughs devoted to them, and several instances were noted where the animals, which at best were but poor specimens of their species, yielded to the added burden of 


And were driven to the shade for protection. Friend meeting friend upon the street, and stopping to exchange the news of the day would invariably say to the other, "Its terribly hot, aint it," and was always certain of an affirmative answer. The usual case of cruelty to animals which is heard of every extraordinary hot day occurred near the coner of Montgomery and Clay streets. One of the horses attached to a truck heavily laden with barrels of cement became balky and the other horse, being willing to do all he could, made tremendous efforts to start the load. It was too much for him, however, and when officer McKenna arrived on the ground the faithful animal was streaming with perspiration from head to foot, and was so exhausted that he could barely stand. The officer and Mr. Winans, President of the Society for the Prevention (of Animals), etc., remonstrated with the driver who talked very insolently until he discovered whom he was addressing, when he 


And with the assistence of bystanders started off. It was a decidedly hot day; and in order to ascertain how hot it really was, a CHRONICLE reporter called upon Thomas Tennent, the mathematical instrument maker, who furnished the following information: The heated spell commenced on Sunday at, at 3 p.m. the thermometer reached its highest point on that day, standing at 83°. On yesterday the heat was greatly intensified, and at 9 a.m., the thermometer stood at 82°; at 12 noon 93°; at 1 p.m., 95° in the shade, its greatest attitude. At 3 p.m., 93°; at 6 p.m., 84 degrees, and at midnight, 71 degrees. These results were all obtained from a thermometer which hangs at the northern end of a building where the sun cannot strike it, where it is played upon by every breeze that blows and where no reflected heat can influence it.


1870–May 7 at 8 p.m. 86°
1870–July 2 at 3 p.m. 83°
1871–October 2 at 3 p.m. 80°
1872–June 21 at 3 p.m. 82°
1873–October 12, at 12 m 76°
1874–September 2, at 12 m 86°
1875–September 20, at 1 p.m. 86°

The thermometer on yesterday went 9° higher than it has during any year since 1869, and Mr. Tennent states he has been keeping this record since 1849, and that it is the hottest day which has been experienced in this city since he has been here. But San Francisco has not been alone in her heated visitation, and the following dispatch from Portland, Oregon, is appended, showing that they also were affected by the Norther which has swept over us:

PORTLAND, June 12 – The weather is extremely warm, and we are experiencing one of the hottest days ever known in this section. The thermometer stands at over 80 degrees in the shade." Reports from other sections have been received which show that we are having all over the state some of the hottest weather ever known on the coast.

Daily Chronicle
June 13, 1876

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