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This telegram was sent to President Roosevelt by San Francisco relief leaders the day following the message to Gen. Funston that the President directed him to furnish relief to the Chinese, as well as others, without regard to race or nationality.

April 24, 1906

To President Theodore Roosevelt
White House
Washington, D.C.

All reports that the people of the administration, or the relief committee of San Francisco are making any distinction between relieving, succoring or protecting the Chinese, and any other people differing in race or color, are totally false and unfounded. The committees and even the homeless people themselves are treating the Chinese and all other unfortunates with the consideration and kindness worthy of our civilization and of our country. The people of San Francisco are striving with all the means in their power and with all their heart to relieve their destitute, care for their sick and helpless, and uplift their stricken, in accordance with the dictate of humanity and in a manner worthy of Americans, irrespective of race, creed or color, in the common brotherhood of man.

E.E. Schmitz
Mayor of San Francisco

W.W. Morrow
President,San Francisco Red Cross

F.J. Symes
President, Merchants' Association

James D. Phelan
Treasurer, Relief Committee

Jacob Voorsanger
Committee on Relief of Hungry

Katharine C. Felton
Secretary, Associated Charities

Fairfax H. Whelan
Committee on Sick and Homeless