Dispatcher: Emergency Center.
Caller: Yea, this is Nob Hill Foods, Capitola, 809, we
have an emergency
down here, we’ve been hit by a large earthquake –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] I know that! What is the
emergency – what–
Caller: [Interrupting] One of our – one of our checkers
was struck!
Dispatcher: Okay, so, you’re 809 Bay Avenue – okay –
and what do you mean
"she was struck."
Caller: She was struck, she has a –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Did something fall on her?
Caller: Yes.
Dispatcher: Okay, so she’s inside Nob Hill Market?
Caller: She’s – someone’s watching her, and we’ve got her
out in the
parking lot.
Dispatcher: She’s in the parking lot of Nob Hill, okay. So
this –
Caller: [caller begins to interrupt.)
Dispatcher: Wait a minute now, I’m going to ask you a few
more questions,
okay. So, did – ya’ know what – what – ah – fell on her?
Caller: [turning from telephone] Go ask Robin what fell on
her! I’ve got –
I’ve got an ambulance! –
Dispatcher: Okay, ma’am, I need –
Caller: [still talking to other person] – go ask her!
Dispatcher: Okay, I’m going to ask you a few more
questions, okay? Do you
know the reason I’m going to ask you, okay? I need to
know what hit her,
like if she’s bleeding, if she’s unconscious, Okay?
Caller: She was pushed down –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay –
Caller: – and she’s – it looks like she’s got blood on her a
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay, so she’s bleeding?
Caller: Yes.
Dispatcher: Okay.
Caller: Okay, and a – we –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay.
Caller: – might have other casualties, I don’t know.
Dispatcher: Okay, we’re gonna send some help out. What’s
your ’phone number?
Caller: [speaking rapidly] 476-5600 – I’m outside on the
pay ’phone, all
the ’phones are down inside!
Dispatcher: Okay, so you’re not with her, right? About
how old is she?
Caller: Twenty-eight.
Dispatcher: Twenty-eight, okay. She conscious and
Caller: Yes, she’s a little – she doesn’t look too good
Dispatcher: Okay, we’re sending help right out, okay?
Caller: Thank you, ’bye.
Dispatcher: ’Bye.
Dispatcher: Fire Alarm.
Caller: Are you taking any calls including fire alarms?
Dispatcher: Fire alarms? Put ’em on hold. Hold on. [places
caller on hold
and does not return.]
Dispatcher: Emergency Center, what are you
Caller: Yes, a gas leak.
Dispatcher: Where?
Caller: Over at 105 Walti in Santa Cruz.
Dispatcher: How do you spell the name of the street?
Caller: W-A-L-T-I.
Dispatcher: Hold on a second. [places caller on hold.]
Dispatcher: [Returns] Okay, is this from a house?
Caller: Yea! – Yea, we just walked out in the street, and
we walked outside
after this thing –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay, what’s you’re last name?
Caller: It’s Ledbetter, L-E-D-B-E-T-T-E-R. Here it comes,
an aftershock!
Dispatcher: Okay,
Caller: Okay, I’m going outside!
Dispatcher: What’s your telephone number, sir?
Caller: [rapidly] Uh, 459-0637!
Dispatcher: 0637. Help’s on the way! ’Bye-bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center. What are you
Caller: Ah, we got a girl here with a real bad asthma attack
here at Sears
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] What address, sir?
Caller: Ah, 5041 Capitola Boulevard.
Dispatcher: 5041 what?
Caller: Hang on a second. [Turning from telephone]
Dolores! 5041, right?
Dispatcher: What –
Caller [To Dolores] What’s the address? [voice in
background. "No, 4015"]
4015 Capitola Boulevard.
Dispatcher: 4015 Cap –
Caller: Right, the Sears in Santa Cruz!
Dispatcher: Okay, where in Sears?
Caller: It’s in the general office. Just come to the front of
the building,
someone will take you there!
Dispatcher: Sears office?
Caller: Yes, Sears general office –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] How old is she, sir?
Caller: Ah, she’s, ah, early – early 20s – late teens –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Is she still conscious?
Caller: She’s still conscious; it seems like a real severe
asthma attack.
Dispatcher: Okay – um – your ’phone number please?
Caller: ’Phone number – I’ve got a pay ’phone, our ’phones
are out. Pay
’phone number is – ah, 475-9899.
Dispatcher: 9899?
Caller: Yea.
Dispatcher: Okay, helps on the away.
Caller: ’Bye-bye!
Dispatcher: Emergency Center. What are you
Caller: Yea, we have a woman that’s hurt at the bowlin’
alley in Watsonville
– got a cut above the head, on the eye.
Dispatcher; What’s your address there, sir?
Caller: [turning away from telephone] What’s the address
here? [Sound of
earthquake aftershock.] We gotta go! I gotta go! We’re
having an earthquake
Dispatcher: The bowling alley?
Caller: Yea! In Watsonville – Cabrillo Lanes!
Dispatcher: Cabrillo Lanes?
Caller: Yea! – [sound of heavy breathing.]
Dispatcher: You don’t know the address there, sir?
Caller: [turning away from telephone] Terry, do you know
the address here?
[voice in background “Ah, 580 Arthur Road.”]
Caller: 580 Arthur Road!
Dispatcher: 580 Arthur?
Caller: Yea, this place is coming down! We gotta get outa
Dispatcher: Okay, help’s on the way!
Caller: ’Bye-bye.
Dispatcher: ’Bye-bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center, what are you
Caller: Earthquake!
Dispatcher: Ma’am, I know about the earthquake, do ya’
have an emergency?
Caller: Yes, a whole house fell down right across the
Dispatcher: Okay, is anybody trapped in the house?
Caller: We can’t find – there’s some people yelling across
the street –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] What’s the address?
Caller: 10495 Redwood Drive in Lompico!
Dispatcher: 10495 Redwood in Lompico?
Caller: That’s correct– I – uh, it’s coming back! We got to
get under! –
[Noise of earthquake aftershock.]
Dispatcher: Okay, it’s – the house has collapsed?
Caller: Yea, it fell over. It’s a big house!
Dispatcher: Okay, what’s your address, ma’am?
Caller: 10495.
Dispatcher: So, it’s across from you?
Caller: It’s across from me.
Dispatcher: Okay, your ’phone number please, ma’am?
Caller: [indistinct] 5-4341!
Dispatcher: 4341?
Caller: That’s correct. We’re not gonna be –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay, your last name please,
Caller: Rominas [sp?].
Dispatcher: Okay. Go ahead and get out of the house. If
you find that
anybody is inside that house give me a call, Okay?
Caller: Okay, Thank you!
Dispatcher: ’Bye-bye
Dispatcher: Emergency Center.
Caller: Hi, this is Valley Convalescent –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Yes?
Caller: – just calling to say we have a lot of damage, but
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay, okay, ma’am?
Caller: Yes?
Dispatcher: Do you need – does anybody need medical
Caller: Not that I’m aware of at the moment. I –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Hold on a second – okay, so
you don’t need any
medical attention?
Caller: I – I don’t believe so –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay, then you’re gonna have to
– if you need
medical attention or something like that, call back, okay?
Caller: Alright.
Dispatcher: ’Bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center.
Caller: Ah –
Dispatcher: Emergency Center!
Caller: Yea, I’m –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] I need to know – I know there’s
been an earthquake. Do you need help?
Caller: No.
Dispatcher: Okay, I’m going to hang up.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center
Caller: Yes, we’ve got some gas coming out of the pipeline
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Gas coming out of the pipeline
Caller: Yes, at –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting caller] What’s the address?
Caller: – 124 Maple – Huh?
Dispatcher: Okay, listen to me, Okay? I’m going to send
you some help.
Caller: Okay.
Dispatcher: Okay? Is this a gas line that leads to your
house, or what?
Caller: Ah, it’s on to another house.
Dispatcher: Okay, from house to house?
Caller: Yea!
Dispatcher: Okay, and this is in Watsonville?
Caller: Yes.
Dispatcher: Okay, your ’phone number.
Caller: It’s ah, 7 – it’s – it’s 761- thirty two -
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] It’s 761 what?
Caller: 761 –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] What?
Caller: – Thirty-two sixty-one.
Dispatcher: Thirty-two sixty-one. What’s your name?
Caller: Ah, George Acosta.
Dispatcher: George, okay, and it’s 124 Maple Street in
Caller: Yea.
Dispatcher: Okay.
Caller: Okay.
Dispatcher: I’m going to send some help out there.
Caller: Alright-ee.
Dispatcher: ’Bye.
Caller: ’Bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center. What are you
Caller: Um, yes, we need the gas shut off in Felton Grove.
We have a whole
bunch of leaks. There’s gas everywhere – smelling!
Dispatcher: Gas leaks?
Caller: Yes! From the earthquake!
Dispatcher: Okay, hold on a second so I can get your
address, okay?
Caller: Okay.
Dispatcher: It’ll be one second.
Caller: [Heavy breathing.]
(“What was that?” is heard, and other panic sounds in
background at dispatch
center during aftershock.]
Dispatcher: Okay, what is your address there?
Caller: 266 Circle Drive.
Dispatcher: 6-6 what?
Caller: No, 2 – I mean – ah – 2.
Dispatcher: Okay, 2 what?
Caller: 6-6 Circle Drive, and it’s in – in Felton, it’s in the
Dispatcher: In Felton Grove?
Caller: Yea.
Dispatcher: It’s a house there?
Caller: Yea, it’s right on the corner, and our neighbor said
the gas line
Dispatcher: Okay. What is your last name, please?
Caller: My name is Wilson, ah, but anything you –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay, ma’am, let me get the fire
department on
the way, okay? Hang up –
Caller: [Interrupting] Okay –
Dispatcher: – and evacuate your building now. Goodbye.
Caller: ’Bye!
Dispatcher 1: Radio!
Dispatcher 2: Hi.
Dispatcher 1: Hi.
Dispatcher 2: You guy’s have anybody available?
Dispatcher 1: Available for what?
Dispatcher 2: [Pause] Um, we have somebody trapped –
trapped in, um, Coffee
Roasting Company at 1547 Pacific.
Dispatcher 1: 1547 Pacific.
Dispatcher 2. Yes.
Dispatcher 1: What do you mean by “trapped?”
Dispatcher 2: Hold on a minute. [Interrupted by dispatcher
Dispatcher 3: The building came down – I guess there’s
some rubble –
building kinda’ collapsed.
Dispatcher 1: Okay, I’ll show you with a rescue.
Dispatcher 3: Yea –
Dispatcher 1: [Interrupting] Okay!
Dispatcher 3: – we need a Code 3 ambulance also –
[turning away from
telephone] – where? [turning back to telephone] Ford’s
Department Store,
1101 Pacific.
Dispatcher 1: For what reason?
Dispatcher 3: I don’t know yet.
Dispatcher 1: Okay. What – what on Pacific?
Dispatcher 3: –1101 Pacific. Ford’s – Code 3 ambulance.
Also Code 3 fire
and ambulance to the Coffee Roasting Company –
Dispatcher 1: [interrupting] Okay.
Dispatcher 3 – 1549 Pacific –
Dispatcher 1: Okay, okay.
Dispatcher 3: ’Bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center
Caller: Yes, what are we supposed to do with this
Dispatcher: I’m sorry – what? – do you – okay – is this
an emergency? Do
you need medical attention?
Caller: No, no!
Dispatcher: Okay, is anything leaking? – gas leaks, or
anything like that?
Caller: Um, I’m not sure –
Dispatcher: [Interrupts] Okay, ma’am, I can’t stay on the
line unless you
need help right now.
Caller: Oh! –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] ’Bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center. What are you
reporting? Hello?
Caller: We have – we have –
Dispatcher: I need to know. I know there’s an earthquake.
Did you have any
damage? Do you need medical assistance?
Caller: We have a boy who needs medical attention –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay, what is your address?
Caller: – at the Safeway store on Mount Herman Road.
Dispatcher: Inside the Safeway store?
Caller: Yes.
Dispatcher: Okay, is this the one in Scotts Valley?
Caller: Yes, it is.
Dispatcher: Okay, it’s on Mount Herman Road near Scotts
Valley, right?
Caller: Right.
Dispatcher: Okay, what is wrong with him?
Caller: Ah, he was hit in the head – there’s a doctor – he
– a –
probably –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] How old is he?
Caller: I don’t have any idea – somebody just –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay, do you know if he is
conscious and
Caller: Uh, I think he may be, yea.
Dispatcher: Okay, but your not sure.
Caller: I’m really not sure.
Dispatcher: Okay, where in the Safeway store is he?
Caller: Um, I don’t even know.
Dispatcher: Okay, I need you – [conversation covered by
audio from radio
console] Is he inside the store?
Caller: Yes.
Dispatcher: Okay, I need you to have somebody stand
outside to flag ’em
down, okay?
Caller: Okay.
Dispatcher: What is the address there, the exact address on
Mount Herman?
Caller: Ah, 245 Mount Herman Road –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] 245 Mount Herman Road.
Okay, your last name –
Caller: – it’s in Scotts Valley –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] your last name – I know where
it is – your last
Caller: Um – Oh Jesus! Here it comes again!
Dispatcher: Okay, what’s your ’phone number – gimme
your ’phone number.
Caller: Um, my ’phone number is –
Dispatcher: 438 –
Caller: 438-2844.
Dispatcher: 1-8 what?
Caller: 4-4.
Dispatcher: Okay, I want you to – I want you to see if you
can have
somebody outside to flag down the fire department and the
ambulance, Okay?
Caller: Okay, fine –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Alright.
Caller: – our ’phones are not working – there’s no power.
Dispatcher: Okay, we’ll, you need to have somebody stand
outside so you can
show them where the child is.
Caller: Okay –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Is it a child?
Caller: No, it’s a – it’s an adult.
Dispatcher: It’s an adult?
Caller: It’s one of the box boys –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay, we’re going to send help
out there, okay?
Caller: Thank you.
Dispatcher: You’re welcome.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center. What are you
Caller: Hi, we need an ambulance, ah –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Where?
Caller: Seagrave Technology, Scotts Valley.
Dispatcher: What’s the address there?
Caller: I’m sorry?
Dispatcher: What’s the address there, sir!
Caller: Well, duh – ah – it’s a – a – [in background,
"building 8!] –
building 8.
Dispatcher: Okay, I need the street numbers on your street.
Caller: [Turning away from the telephone] What’s the
street number, do you
know that? [Answer in background “No,” followed by
garbled shouting.]
Dispatcher: Do you know? Can you tell me?
Caller: Hang on! – Hang on! [In the background a voice
says “175.”) Okay,
175 El Pueblo Road.
Dispatcher: 175 what? – El Tiem – ?
Caller: 175 El Pueblo Road – P-U-E-B-L –
Dispatcher: Wa-wa-wa-wa, stop. T?
Caller: P as in Paul.
Dispatcher: Oh, P as in Paul –
Caller: U.
Dispatcher: Oh, Pueblo!
Caller: Pueblo, yea.
Dispatcher: What building number?
Caller: That’s building 8.
Dispatcher: Okay, and what do you need there?
Caller: An ambulance. I think she got panicked or
something, I’m not sure if
Dispatcher: [Interjecting] Okay.
Caller: – she’s having a heart attack.
Dispatcher: Is she having what, trouble breathing? Is she
conscious? What’s
going on?
Caller: She’s not conscious.
Dispatcher: Okay, I’ll get help on the way.
Caller: Okay, thanks.
Dispatcher: ’Bye-bye.
Caller: ’Bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center.
Caller: Yea, emergency. Um, there’s an emergency up in
Forest Lake, south
Dispatcher: Okay, what is wrong there.
Caller: Okay, a big earthquake just happened –
Dispatcher: I know that! What is wrong there?
Caller: Okay, my friend’s mom was home alone –
Dispatcher: Uh-huh.
Caller: – and I was just going by, and I went to her house
and the whole
fire – what-do-they-call – fireplace went into the house.
Hold on.
Dispatcher: Okay, I’m sorry, what?
Caller: The house’s shaking.
Dispatcher: Okay,
Caller: The whole fireplace went in. She thinks it’s gonna
start a fire.
Dispatcher: Halt! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Okay?
Caller: [Heavy breathing] I can’t calm down.
Dispatcher: Listen – okay, listen to me.
Caller: Huh?
Dispatcher: Hold on a second ma’am – sir –
Caller: Okay.
Dispatcher: – listen to me, okay?
Caller: yea.
Dispatcher: I just need some more information. Were
gettin’ a lotta – I
know a lotta people need help, okay? So, first of all, what
is the address?
Caller: Hold on, a second. [sound of hand over
mouthpiece] This whole house
is shakin’. I’m just runnin’ out every time it shakes. Um,
you still there?
Hello? Hello? Oh, ***t!
Dispatcher: Hello
Caller: Hello? – is this the –
Dispatcher: Okay, I need the address.
Caller: Okay, it’s a – [turning away from the telephone]
What’s your
address here? [in background, “845”] It’s 845 Redwood
Road, but it’s –
There’s a pool –
Dispatcher: I’m sorry, 845 what?
Caller: 845 Redwood Road.
Dispatcher: Redwood Road. What’s the closest cross-street?
Caller: Huh? – okay, it’s in south Felton, Forest Lake –
Dispatcher: Hold – hold on a second!
[Call is placed on hold by dispatcher for about 15
Dispatcher: Okay, I need to know what is the emergency –
medical emergency,
or what?
Caller: No, it could be a fire. She can’t go in the house and
check it out
Dispatcher: [Excited] Okay, if there – okay, do you have
an emergency? Is
there a fire now?
Caller: I’m not – I mean – There’s –
Dispatcher: [Excited] Sir! There’s lines ringing! [Shouting]
Do you have a
fire now!
Caller: [Shouting] Yes!
Dispatcher: [Shouting] Where’s the fire at? What kinda
Caller: It’s fire from a fireplace in her house.
Dispatcher: Okay, flames –
Caller: [Interrupting] The fire – the – the –
Dispatcher: [interrupting and talking over caller] Okay, in
other words –
Caller: – the whole thing fell in!
Dispatcher: – okay, so a fireplace, right?
Caller: Yea!
Dispatcher: Flames from a fireplace –
Caller: [Interjecting] Yea.
Dispatcher: – okay, at 845 Redwood Road. What –
Caller: [Interjecting] Yea.
Dispatcher: – is your closest cross-street?
Caller: Um, there’s a pool right there, and she lives right
across from the
Dispatcher. [Angry] What is the cross-street, sir, I need a
need another
street –
Caller: [Interrupting and turning away from telephone]
What is your
Dispatcher: – there are several Redwood’s.
Caller: [Different voice] Um – [In background “tell her the
I live on 845 Redwood Road.
Dispatcher: [Angry] I got that! I need cross-street, please!
Caller: You come up Lakeview.
Dispatcher: Lakeview. Okay, so it’s flames from a
fireplace that are going
out of control inside her house?
Caller: Yea.
Dispatcher: Okay.
Caller: Okay.
Dispatcher: Get everybody outa the house.
Caller: Okay.
Dispatcher: Okay?
Caller: You gonna be here? –
Dispatcher: I need a ’phone number!
Caller: What’s the –
Dispatcher: [Agitated] ’Phone number!
Caller: I don’t know the ’phone number of the house!
Dispatcher: You don’t know –Okay, get everybody out of
the house –
Caller: Okay.
Dispatcher: – 845 Redwood Road off of Lakeview, right?
Caller: Yea.
Dispatcher: Get out of the house!
Caller: Okay.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center.
Caller: Is there any emergency reason for getting out of
Dispatcher: Sir, I don’t know. Do you have an emergency
Caller: Just asking if I should leave town –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting and overriding caller] Sir, I don’t
Caller: – that’s the question.
Dispatcher: Do you need medical attention?
Caller: Obviously, you can’t listen. Have a good day.
Dispatcher: Sir! There are –[Disconnect.] aaah.
There is on the tape a short conversation between two
dispatchers about a
fire at 109 Myrtle – roof fully involved – at this point
[city not
detailed] on the tape. Recording ends with one dispatcher
saying, “Here we
go again.”
Dispatcher: Emergency Center. What are you
Caller: I need to get a fire department up here. We’re at a
– a –mentally
retarded home –
Dispatcher: [Interjecting] Okay.
Caller: – with kids and we can’t get the gas off!
Dispatcher: Okay! What – what’s the address there?
Caller: It’s Ashley Street – [turning from the telephone]
what’s the – [in
background, “it’s 46.” Caller turns back to the telephone
and says:) 6346
Ashley Street, in Felton.
Dispatcher: Ashley Street, in Felton.
Caller: Uh–hum.
Dispatcher: Okay, let me get the fire department on the
Caller: Thank you.
Dispatcher: ’Bye-bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center. What are you
Caller: I’m in Lockhart Gulch Road –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] What do you need, ma’am?
Caller: There’s a fire at the Christian Conference Center.
Dispatcher: Okay, fire. What’s the address there?
Caller: It’s at the Christian Conference Center –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] What’s the address?
Caller: – I don’t have the address.
Dispatcher: Okay, what street is it on?
Caller: – Springs Conference Center.
Dispatcher: You know what street it’s on?
Caller: Lockhart Gulch Road.
Dispatcher: [long pause and clearing of throat] What street
Caller: Lockhart Gulch Road.
Dispatcher: [Pause] Okay, what – what’s on fire there,
what’s going on?
Caller: I don’t know, we just see smoke, and there’s –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay, I’ll let the fire department
know, I’ll let
the fire department know, okay?
Caller: All right, thanks.
Dispatcher: ’Bye-bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center. What are you
Caller: I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.
Dispatcher: What are you reporting, ma’am.
Caller: Gas leak
Dispatcher: Where?
Caller: I mean propane leak, I’m sorry.
Dispatcher: Okay, where?
Caller: 11943 Van Allen Road.
Dispatcher: 11943 Van Allen?
Caller: Yes.
Dispatcher: Okay, are you able to turn it off, ma’am?
Caller: [Fright in voice] Ah – hum.
Dispatcher: Is in inside your house or outside?
Caller: It’s an outside tank.
Dispatcher: Okay, the tank is leaking?
Caller: Yea, I can smell it.
Dispatcher: Okay, your last – Well, we will get help as
soon as we can,
ma’am. Keep everybody away from it. All the fire
departments are extremely
busy, okay?
Caller: Alright, I’ve tried –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Everybody away from it.
Caller: – Alright, I think the nozzles have been moved –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay, I understand that. Keep
everybody away from
it. We’ll give you help when we can.
Caller: – It’s in Felton.
Dispatcher: Ah, okay, ’bye-bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center. What are you reporting?
Caller: Yea, we have a gas leak on 202 East Beach Street.
Dispatcher: What, a – 202 East Street?
Caller: – and we can’t get out of our house – the door’s
locked, we’re
upstairs apart – apartment building.
Dispatcher: Inside the house?
Caller: Yea, we need someone to get the door open – fast!
Dispatcher: Okay – um –
Caller: Okay, right, 202 East Beach Street –
Dispatcher: Stay on the line for the police, okay?
Caller: Okay.
Watsonville Fire: Hello?
Dispatcher: Hi, this Watsonville?
Watsonville Fire: Yea, this is Watsonville Fire. We have a
structure fire at
the, ah, airport – Airport Boulevard mobile home park.
Ah, I need Freedom,
ah, dispatched.
Dispatcher: Okay, do you know the address there?
Watsonville Fire: Ah, no I don’t. It’s the, ah, one right
across the ah,
from the airport – Airport Boulevard.
Dispatcher: Okay, that’s Colonial Manor mobile home
Watsonville Fire: That’s it.
Dispatcher: Okay, um, also at 202 East Beach Street –
Watsonville Fire: Yes?
Dispatcher: – you’ve got a gas leak in the residence.
People are unable to
Watsonville Fire: 202 East Beach?
Dispatcher: Yea, they – they’re door’s jammed – they can’t
get out.
Watsonville Fire: Okay.
Dispatcher: Okay?
Watsonville Fire: Right.
Dispatcher: ’Bye-bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center!
Caller: Zayante or Lompico, on Redwood Drive. I can’t
get the Zayante Fire
Department on –
Dispatcher: Okay, sir, do you have a fire?
Caller: We have a house that came down and there’s a guy
trapped in it.
Dispatcher: Trapped inside the house?
Caller: Yea.
Dispatcher: Okay – where?
Caller: 10313 Redwood Drive, Lompico.
Dispatcher: Okay, in Lompico, right – and what’s your
nearest cross-street?
Caller: It runs off of West Drive. It’s the third street to the
left off
West Drive.
Dispatcher: So West Drive –
Caller: Yea –
Dispatcher: – is your nearest cross-street, and he’s down
underneath the
Caller: Yea, I – it’s my neighbor’s house, that’s what my
neighbor told me,
Dispatcher: Okay. I need a ’phone number your calling
Caller: 335-4591
Dispatcher: 4-5, I’m sorry, 4-5 –
Caller: 4591
Dispatcher: 4591. Address of the house of that is 10313
Redwood Drive –
Caller: [Interjection] That’s right.
Dispatcher: – off of West Drive, and as far as you know
the man is down
underneath the house, right?
Caller: Yes.
[Dispatcher and caller covering one another]
Caller: – he should be alright, but he’s trapped in there.
Dispatcher: Sir?
Caller: Ah?
Dispatcher: We’re sending help out as soon as we can,
Caller: If you can get the Zayante Fire Department –
Dispatcher: Hey, sir? Listen to me. We page ’em out.
There’s a lot of other
calls. As soon as we can, we’ll get ’em out, okay?
Caller: I understand. I’m not shook up. Don’t talk to me
like a kid, I’m
Dispatcher: Okay, well sir, we have hundreds of calls,
okay –
Caller: Sure.
Dispatcher: – I’ve got to go, ’bye-bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center.
Caller: Hi – um – um – we live up here on Bean Creek
Dispatcher: Okay, do you have an emergency?
Caller: Uh, yea.
Dispatcher: What is the emergency?
Caller: Both of our roads caved in on both sides.
Dispatcher: Do you have – need medical attention now?
Caller: No.
Dispatcher: Please hold!
[Call placed on hold by dispatcher. Not answered again on
Dispatcher: [Agitated] Emergency Center. What are
you reporting?
Caller: Ah, well, I have gas, at least I smell gas in my
garage after this
earthquake, and I don’t know how to shut it off!
Dispatcher: Okay, what’s your address there, ma’am?
Caller: 101 Westley Street in Capitola.
Dispatcher: Okay, I’ll let the fire department know.
Caller: Thanks.
Dispatcher: Okay, ’bye.
Dispatcher: [Agitated] Emergency Center. What are
you reporting?
Caller: Yea, I don’t know who to call. I have a broken
power – er, I mean
water line to the –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Broken water line?
Caller: Yea.
Dispatcher: You’re going to have to call your water
company. I can’t help
you. I need to tend to medical emergencies.
Caller: Okay.
Dispatcher: Dispatch Center. What are you reporting?
Caller: We’re reporting the earthquake at Soquel High
Dispatcher: Okay, anyone there hurt?
Caller: Uh, I’m not sure. A few people –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay, if you know if there’s any
injuries or
smell of gas, or fire, call us back please.
Caller: Okay, all the pipes are broken in the pool, and the
chlorine’s out,
and that’s why I called.
Dispatcher: Okay, ’bye.
Caller: ’Bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center. What are you
Caller: Yes, sir. Ambulance to 80 Santa Clara.
Dispatcher: [Garble] – where?
Caller: 80 – 80 Santa Clara.
Dispatcher: 80 Santa Clara?
Caller: Yea.
Dispatcher: House or an apartment there?
Caller: Excuse me?
Dispatcher: House or an apartment, sir, house or
Caller: No, it’s a house.
Dispatcher: It’s a house, okay. Why do you need an
ambulance there?
Caller: Somebody’s really hurt. I don’t know
[unintelligible] – or not –
Dispatcher: Okay, what’s the problem with him?
Caller: Somebody’s cut him real good.
Dispatcher: Oh, he’s got cut?
Caller: Uh-huh.
Dispatcher: Okay, where did he get cut from?
Caller: His leg.
Dispatcher: Okay, I’ll let the fire and ambulance know. It’s
probably going
to be a while though, sir, okay?
Caller: Okay.
Dispatcher: Alright, ’bye-bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center.
Caller: Hi, my name is Bettina Gonzal –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting and overriding caller] I need to –
if you –
what’s the problem. Police, fire or ambulance.
Caller: Ah, fire! The main gas line’s broken and –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Where?
Caller: – we need to get the people –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Where?
Caller: –of here – 47 Davis –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay.
Caller: – in Freedom.
Dispatcher: Okay, 47 Davis?
Caller: Yea, the cross-road is –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] And the gas – gas line is
Caller: Yea, and we can’t get the people out of the house!
Dispatcher: And there’s people trapped inside the house?
Caller: We think so!
Dispatcher: Okay, inside 47 Davis, is that correct?
Caller: It’s across the street from 47 Davis –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting and overriding caller] Okay, so –
ya’ know how
many people are inside the house?
Caller: We – there’s just one ol’ lady we don’t know who –
whoÊ– we don’t
know if there’s anyone else in there with her!
Dispatcher: But you’re sure she’s inside the house?
Caller: No, we’re not sure, but the gas line we know,
because I can hear it
– we’re trying to get to it right now. I hope –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting and overriding caller] Okay, so
you think she
might be in there, but you’re not sure?
Caller: Right!
Dispatcher: Okay. This is across from 47 –
Caller: [Doubling with dispatcher] 47 Davis.
Dispatcher: – Across from 47 Davis. Okay, listen to me,
Caller: Okay!
Dispatcher: We’re gonna try to get somebody out there as
soon as you can –
as soon as we can, okay?
Caller: Uh-hum?
Dispatcher: Okay, so I want you to ask – you find out
she’s not in there,
call me back, okay?
Caller: Okay, I will.
Dispatcher: Alright, and give me your ’phone number.
Caller: I’m calling from a payphone – my ’phone’s not
Dispatcher: Okay, that’s fine. Like I said, if you find out
she’s not there
Caller: [Interrupting and overriding dispatcher] Right, I’ll
call you back
Dispatcher: – please call me back. Okay, ’bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center What are you
Caller: [Elderly] I’m reporting, ah, a propane tank that’s –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay, sir.
Caller: – ruptured.
Dispatcher: Okay – I’m going to have to put you on hold
for just one
second. I’ll be right back.
Caller: Ah –
[Hold function interrupts caller. Dispatcher does not return
to this call on
the tape.]
Dispatcher: [over fast busy signal] Emergency Center!
Dispatcher: Emergency Center.
Caller: Hi, um – I need –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting and overriding caller] Do you
need fire, police or
Caller: Fire.
Dispatcher: Fire, where?
Caller: Not a fire – it’s a gas leak.
Dispatcher: Where?
Caller: Um, propane leak. It’s on Vine Hill Road.
Dispatcher: Where on Vine Hill?
Caller: 2317. It’s right near where Vine Hill –
Dispatcher: [Interrupts and overrides caller] 2317, okay. Is
it close to a
house, or what?
Caller: It’s at the top – no – a –
Dispatcher: [Interrupts and overrides caller] Is it close to a
house, ma’am?
Caller: – right as you came off 17.
Dispatcher: Hold on please, I’ll be right back, okay?
Caller: Okay.
Dispatcher: Hold on.
Caller: Okay.
[Call placed on hold. Dispatcher does not return to this call
on the tape.]
Dispatcher: Emergency Center.
Caller: Yes – this is, a –
Dispatcher: [Interrupts and overrides the caller] Do you
need police, fire
or ambulance?
Caller: Uh, we got a gas leak!
Dispatcher: Okay. Is there – is there a house near by? Is it
going to a
Caller: There’s a – there’s a bar and a store right – right
where the gas
leak is!
Dispatcher: How close?
Caller: Oh, probably about four or five feet.
Dispatcher: Okay. What’s the address?
Caller: 320 Walker Street. It’s right on East Lake and
Walker. Ah, West Lake
Dispatcher: [interjection] Okay.
Caller: – and Walker.
Dispatcher: Okay, so it’s a gas leak –
Caller: [Interrupting] Yea –
Dispatcher: – four to five feet –
Caller [Interrupting] – you can smell it!
Dispatcher: I need a ’phone number, sir.
Caller: 724-6092.
Dispatcher: Okay, we’re gonna send – get people out,
okay? Don’t let them
near that house, okay?
Caller: Okay, thank you!
Dispatcher: Alright, ’bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center. What are you reporting?
Caller: Uh, we had an earthquake here –
Dispatcher: [Interrupts and overrides the caller] Okay! Do
you need a fire
department or ambulance, sir?
Caller: One of my friends got [unintelligible words] –some
people are
panicking and stuff like that! It’s at Domincan Hospital!
Can you please get
some – send some help over here! Emergency!
Dispatcher: [Interrupting and overriding caller] What –
what kinda’ help do
you need?
Caller: Dominican Hospital! We had an earthquake and
there’s panic here, and
stuff like that!
Dispatcher: Panic?
Caller: Yea.
Dispatcher: [rapidly speaking] Okay, I can’t help you here,
sir. Good bye!
Dispatcher: Emergency Center. What are you
Caller: Um, a man with a broken ankle.
Dispatcher: Broken ankle, where? Where?
Caller: Swan Lake Apartments –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting and overriding caller] What’s the
Caller: – 755-24th Avenue, building 6.
Dispatcher: 755-24th, building 6. What room?
Caller: Pardon?
Dispatcher: What room number?
Caller: Um, he’s outside.
Dispatcher: Outside?
Caller: Right.
Dispatcher: Broken leg.
Caller: Ankle.
Dispatcher: Broken ankle.
Caller: Yea.
Dispatcher: Okay, I’ll let ’em know. It’s probably gonna be
a while, though
Caller: Okay.
Dispatcher: – just so you know ahead of time. Okay, ’bye.
Caller: ’Bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center. What are you
Caller: I’m reporting a gas leak on 42 Eaton.
Dispatcher: Okay, hold on, ma’am, hold on one minute.
Caller: Sorry.
Dispatcher: That’s okay – where’s it at?
Caller: 42 Eaton.
Dispatcher: 42 Eaton?
Caller: Yes. Is this Marilyn?
Dispatcher: No. Is this a house or an apartment?
Caller: It’s a house.
Dispatcher: A house?
Caller: Yes.
Dispatcher: Okay, is there anyone in the house?
Caller: No.
Dispatcher: This is the city of Watsonville, right?
Caller: Yes, it is.
Dispatcher: Is this natural gas?
Caller: Um, natural gas?
Dispatcher: Is it like – no, is it, ma’am, is it gas like from
the smell of
gas, or is it fuel gas?
Caller: Fuel gas.
Dispatcher: Fuel gas?
Caller: Yes. [Pause] 42 Eaton Avenue, it’s off East Lake.
Dispatcher: Great! Alright! We’re going to send the fire
department out
there, okay?
Caller: Okay, thank you.
Dispatcher: Thank you. Your last name?
Caller: It’s Hervey. H-E-R-V-E-Y.
Dispatcher: Okay, what’s the ’phone number there?
Caller: Ah, 728-0734.
Dispatcher: Okay! Great! We’ll send the fire department.
Thank you!
Caller: Thank you.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center. What are you
Caller: A gas smell.
Dispatcher: Where?
Caller: At 2880 Soquel – it’s a business.
Dispatcher: What’s the name of the business.
Caller: [interrupting] Soquel Drive.
Dispatcher: Soquel Drive or Avenue?
Caller: It’s drive.
Dispatcher: What’s the name of the business?
Caller: It’s Vantress Signs.
Dispatcher: I’m sorry, spell that.
Caller: V-A-N, like Victor, A-N-T-R-E-S-S.
Dispatcher: T-R-E-S-S?
Caller: Right, it’s right next to Midas Muffler.
Dispatcher: [Heavy breathing]
Caller: I bet you guys are going nuts.
Dispatcher: Yea. Okay, and there’s smell of gas in the
Caller: Yes.
Dispatcher: Okay, evacuate the building. We’re going to
send out some fire
Caller: Alright, thank you.
Dispatcher: Just a minute! Your last name please?
Caller: Register, just like cash.
Dispatcher: The ’phone number there?
Caller: 688 – I mean – I’m sorry. 479 –
Dispatcher: [Interjection] Uh-huh.
Caller: – 3383.
Dispatcher: 3383?
Caller: That’s right.
Dispatcher: Alright, thank you.
Caller: Thank you.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center!
Caller: Yes, the northbound, southbound lanes, Highway
1, between Riverside
exit –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting and overriding caller] Okay, sir, I
need to know
is there an emergency there.
Caller: Yes, there’s the bridge has collapsed. There’s
vehicles in the –
the bridge that has collapsed!
Dispatcher: Okay, and – I’m sorry, tell me again where –
Caller: [interrupting] Between Riverside Drive exit on
Highway 1 and the
Green Valley exit on Highway 1.
Dispatcher: Riverside exit and Green Valley –
Caller: Exit.
Dispatcher: – it’s the whole thing down?
Caller: Both sides!
Dispatcher: Do you know –
Caller: [Interrupting] Traffic –
Dispatcher: – if anybody’s hurt?
Caller: I see people with first–aid kits and running, and
I’ve seen –
Dispatcher: [Interjection] Yes.
Caller: – vehicles in the gully – I did not stop –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay.
Caller: – to confirm anything.
Dispatcher: Okay, sir? I’m going –
Caller: Yes?
Dispatcher: – to transfer you to Highway Patrol.
Caller: Thank you.
Dispatcher: If you learn there’s injuries, call me back.
Caller: Thank you.
Dispatcher: You’re welcome. Stay on, I’m sure they’re
busy, okay? Don’t hang
Caller: I know, I –
Dispatcher: Emergency Center!
[Fast busy signal]
Dispatcher: Emergency Center!
[Fast busy signal]
Dispatcher: Emergency Center!
Caller: Hi, um, I want –
Dispatcher: [interrupting and overriding the caller] I need
to know, police!
Fire! Ambulance!
Caller: Uh, fire!
Dispatcher: Fire. Where?
Caller: Watsonville Sears.
Dispatcher: Where? What’s the address? Is that the one on
Main Street?
Caller: Yes –
Dispatcher: What –
Caller: – 1834-ish.
Dispatcher: 1834 Main Street. What’s on fire?
Caller: I can’t – I can’t get into the bakery, but it smells
like smoke in
Dispatcher: Smell like smoke –
Caller: Yes.
Dispatcher: – coming from the bakery?
Caller: And they, and they do have gas and nobody knows
where the gas line
Dispatcher: Okay, what’s the address of the bakery. Is that
Caller: Yea.
Dispatcher: Okay, so, smell of gas?
Caller: Uh-huh.
Dispatcher: Okay, your ’phone number?
Caller: Uh, 722-0832.
Dispatcher: 0832, okay. We’ll get the fire department on
the way soon as we
Caller: Thank you.
Dispatcher: ’Bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center!
SCFD: Um, Station 2, Santa Cruz, checkin’ to see that this
’phone is
Dispatcher: Check, it is.
SCFD: Okay.
Dispatcher: [Rapidly] I have to go, ’bye!
Dispatcher: Radio!
Caller: Hi, um, do we have – ah – ambulance or fire or
anybody goin’ to
Forest [indistinct word], we have some pretty bad injuries
Dispatcher: To where?
Caller: Forest at Eleventh –
Dispatcher: Yea, I cut a card about 10 minutes ago.
They’re – they’ve been
made aware.
Caller: Okay.
Dispatcher: Okay, ’bye!
Dispatcher: Radio!
SCFD: Station 2, Santa Cruz again. We want all our calls
comin’ to Station
2, Santa Cruz, okay?
Dispatcher: Okay, you want them on the Hotline?
SCFD: On the Hotline, we’re settin’ up the EOC also.
Dispatcher: Okay, alright!
SCFD: Thanks.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center.
Caller: Hi, the –
Dispatcher: [Interrupts caller] I need to know – police, fire
or ambulance.
Caller: Uh, I guess police or fire.
Dispatcher: Okay, what’s on fire?
Caller: Nothing, there’s a ruptured gas tank at the number
2 Zay–
Dispatcher: [Interrupts] Where?
Caller: Zayante Fire Department number 2 –
Dispatcher: [Interrupts caller] I need –
Caller: – station.
Dispatcher: At the station itself?
Caller: Yes.
Dispatcher: Okay, what’s the address there. Do you know?
Caller: On Zayante Road, I don’t know what the address
is. It’s up on
Lompico – It’s up on the Lompico Road –
Dispatcher: [Interrupting] Okay.
Caller: – Felton – in Felton.
Dispatcher: Okay, I’ll send – it’s a ruptured gas line or
Caller: Tank.
Dispatcher: What kind of tank? A propane tank?
Caller: Propane tank.
Dispatcher: And it’s at – it’s at the fire department itself?
Caller: Yes.
Dispatcher: Okay.
Caller: The number 2 station.
Dispatcher: The number 2 station on Zayante Road? What
– you know the
closest cross-street?
Caller: Lompico?
Dispatcher: Lompico Road? Okay.
Caller: Thank you.
Dispatcher: No! Wait! –
Caller: Oh!
Dispatcher: – I need a ’phone number, please.
Caller: 335-3305
Dispatcher: 9305? Okay, I need to know how close is it to
a building?
Caller: Um, I don’t know – maybe 200 yards?
Dispatcher: Okay, but not close?
Caller: Right.
Dispatcher: Okay. We’re gonna get ’em on the way as soon
as we can, alright?
Caller: Okay, thanks.
Dispatcher: Okay, ’bye.
Caller: ’Bye.
SCFD: [Over ringing] Hello!
Dispatcher: [Over ringing] Okay, what station I’ve got
SCFD: [Over ringing] Station 1.
Dispatcher: [Over ringing] Okay, do you want your calls
on the ’phone?
SCFD: [Over ringing] Sure.
Dispatcher: [Over ringing] Okay, I’ll let them know.
SCFD: [Over ringing] The thing’s not working. I just got
here, I don’t know.
Dispatcher: [Over ringing] Okay.
SCFD: [Over ringing] Is that all ya’ need?
Dispatcher: [Over ringing] What’s that?
SCFD: [Over ringing] Is that all ya’ need?
Dispatcher: [Over ringing] Yea!
SCFD: [Over ringing] Okay, ’bye.
Dispatcher: [Over ringing] Okay, ’bye. Doe’s Station 1’s
phone work for
Santa Cruz Fire? – it makes a difference for her for
Dispatcher: Emergency Center. What are you
Caller: [Crying and hysterical sobbing.]?
Dispatcher: Are you hurt?
Caller: [Crying and hysterical sobbing] no.
Dispatcher: Are you just upset?
Caller: [Crying and shouting] I just got home and my
whole house is totally
fallen down – [crying continues.]
Dispatcher: Your house?
Caller: [Crying] Yes!
Dispatcher: Okay, I can’t help you because people need
ambulances, I’ll have
to go, okay? – Alright? ’Bye-bye?
Dispatcher: Emergency Center. What are you
Caller: Hello?
Dispatcher: Hello?
Caller: Hi, we’re in Boulder Creek by the Mountain Store
and I – apparently
there’s a fire – a fire going on up above the Mountain
Store area.
Dispatcher: Fire above the Mountain Store.
Caller: Yea – it was – some guy just came by and said
Dispatcher: Okay.
Caller: I’m not sure exactly where it’s at. He said it was
right up, beyond
– behind the Mountain Store.
Dispatcher: Okay, can you see what’s on fire up there?
Caller: I can’t see anything. Hold on, let’s see if we can
have somebody
Dispatcher: Okay, ma’am, hello?
Caller: He said it was up the road, but I don’t know if he
mean’t up
[Highway] 9 or –
Dispatcher: [Interrupts and overrides caller] Okay, I’m
going to let Boulder
Creek Fire know – I can’t assist you any further on this
Caller: Okay, thank you.
Dispatcher: Okay, ’bye.
Caller: ’Bye.
Dispatcher: Emergency Center. What are you
Caller: Yes, I have a gas leak at 19 Eaton Avenue.
Dispatcher: At what?
Caller: At 19 Eaton.
Dispatcher: 19 Eaton?
Caller: Yes, it’s right a – it’s across the street – right off of
Lake Avenue.
Dispatcher: In Watsonville?
Caller: Yes.
Dispatcher: Okay, ’bye!