Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters Union Local No. 442 held its first meeting after the great
fire at 2480 Mission street, in a livery stable, Monday April 23d, with President Kelly in
the chair. The union held its second meeting in the same place Sunday, April 29th, when a
special committee was appointed to conduct the business of the organization, consisting of
John Coefield, chairman; C. Young, T. Deasy, P. Papina and M. Delehanty.
It was decided at the first meeting that all members would volunteer their services on relief
work, and in pursuance of this action about five hundred plumbers worked day and night
for over a week repairing all broken pipes and stopping waste of water in the unburned
It was learned that five members of the union have been lost in the terrible catastrophe, and
The union has taken action to supply their members with tools and the officers in charge
announce that they will have plenty of plumbers to meet all demands, not only on
emergency work, but when normal conditions are re-
The Headquarters of the union is located at 640 Golden Gate avenue, and the financial
Secretary is busy registering members.